Friday, 19 May 2017

OUGD406 - End of Module Evaluation

Module Evaluation

Within this module, it has been interesting to work on live briefs both within the Penguin Student Design Awards and the exhibition branding. With the book covers it was interesting to see how the shortlisted entries compared to the design I created as well as what other people were producing within the class. The exhibition branding brief was more intensive to work on because there were so many elements and the design needed to be professionally done and consistent to best reflect the work within the show.

Working within a team for the exhibition branding was particularly difficult mainly due to attendance which made the process much slower and meant we were behind other groups for most of the project. However, the final outcome was effective and the presentations went well.

Within the module, I have found that I have developed my presentation skills on from the PPP module. Myself and another group member presented the branding within the final crit and did the pitch to the second years which was possibly a larger group to present to compared to the self - branding presentation we did in PPP. Although I still get nervous when presenting I appear to be more relaxed when presenting, however there are still times when I lose track and it feels like I'm waffling. I’m glad I did the presentations even though I didn’t want to , because it made sense for the two people who knew the branding best to pitch, as this was more likely to show the branding in the best light.

The module became quite hard to keep track of towards the end because of the amount of time the branding project took up, which meant that I only really had a week to physically create and design for Studio Brief 4 making it a rush to complete the last task. However, the outcome for Studio Brief 4 was effective and overall the project was quite fun and free to work on compared with other briefs within the module.

Having overlapping briefs made it difficult to keep on track and up to date with the different projects, however this will become more common next year so time management and working on briefs evenly will hopefully help with this.

The print exhibition was the following week after hand in, which added further strain, especially when organising to do things for the exhibition when people were trying to catch up with work for hand in, meaning there wasn’t a lot of time to organise the exhibition. However, being part of th­­­e exhibition management means there will be a sense of achievement when the exhibition goes up and I am looking forward to seeing the finished thing. Curating the exhibition is an­ interesting task as I am quite methodical in my approach to problems and good at planning things out, also I like the hands-on task of actually putting the exhibition up.

Doing design boards after each of the briefs was finished meant there was less to do at the end of the module. If these had been left it would have been physically impossible to do this alongside creating and documenting Studio Brief 4 as well as set up the exhibition.

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