Sunday, 14 May 2017

OUGD404 - Module Evaluation

OUGD404 - Jasmine Nixon


During this module, I have particularly liked using a range of techniques to create work for the briefs. It has been refreshing to use other methods less centred around the computer, such as collage, photography and three-dimensional work, all of which are something I want to continue doing.

The briefs have been enjoyable because of their openness, allowing more freedom to approach them in my own way. The briefs were much shorter than in other modules meaning there was limited time on the designs, so are not as developed as possible. However, I feel that the outcomes that have been produced are interesting and have allowed me to develop my skills. The short timespans for briefs also encouraged me to use more DIY techniques when producing the designs as sometimes access to the facilities e.g. printing, was not possible within the time. This meant adapting to circumstances and using what was around you to create something, which led to effective results.

Designing book covers is an interesting field because you can be quite abstract when creating them. Marber’s use of photography as a technique to create simple designs was a considerable influence. Photography has always been a passion but I have not been able to incorporate into my work as much in other briefs. Personally, I have always enjoyed macro photography and within this brief it worked well in effectively communicating the ideas of the books through simple textures. Using found materials and working with them to create meaningful imagery was exciting and a challenge, but it was interesting to see how something mundane could be adapted to suit the brief / need.

Within the poster brief I particularly enjoyed making the paper sculpture. This 3D approach was more like the type of work I’d like to have more time to explore. The design took a bit of problem solving and trial and error however the final outcome was strong and it felt like an achievement when finished.   

Using varied materials within the projects has enabled me to have a better understanding of how things can be produced in unusual ways, simply and cheaply. It has also given me insight into what materials work best for certain things, which I can use for future reference.

Within the projects, I have managed to create the work when the briefs were set which has allowed me to keep on top of the module. Using a sketchbook has also helped me, as within other modules, to record my ideas and better understand where things are going and what is effective. Putting my work into a physical format helps me to physically visualise what I have produced and how it all works together, rather than trying to work it all out on a screen.    

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