Thursday, 25 April 2019

OUGD603 - Brief 8 - Notebook / Journal - Initial Ideas - Mock Ups of book designs

Mock ups of book designs

Some of the initial sketches of book formats were mocked up using scrap pieces of paper to create a similar aesthetic to how they would look in real life.

Cutting the pages so that the corners and edges are slightly irregular and using the scraps of paper in the sizes that they come in allows a layered effect to be created.
Potentially, however this wouldn't be very functional as a notebook as it has too much of an irregular form so isn't easily travelled with. Also if the notebook was staple bound this wouldn't allow as many pages to be included as it would become too thick due to the use of the varying paper thicknesses.

- For the cover page it was considered that papers could be layered over the top of one another then ripped gradually to allow the different papers to be seen on the front. The more roughly ripped design reflects the idea of scrap papers potentially more than the design with the straight torn papers.

- As the design will be used as a notebook it was considered that lines could be printed onto the different scraps of paper. The angled arrangement of the papers within the book would then allow the lines to become angled creating a varied layout of lines within the book and reinforcing the irregular nature of the notebook. Also the combination of lined and blank pages creates a nice contrast within the book as well as providing different types of writing spaces.  

- This format with the cut edges but square top allows the design to fit within a format but still have a sense of irregularity within the design.
- The cut edges also allow the different layered papers to be seen underneath creating contrast within the different coloured papers.

- It was considered that some of the pages could use this idea of angled lines however this could be dictated by shapes created on the pages.
- Splitting the page into sections would allow different areas for writing in.

- Alternatively it was considered that only a section of lines could cover the page creating a sense that the rest of the lines have been cut off by the format of the book which fits well with the concept irregular scraps and the process of creating the notebook.

- By angling the paper then cutting the notebook down it allows the design to still have a regular frame but allows the pages to still be a variety of shapes within this restriction.

- Continuing on with the use of blocks of angled lines it was considered that outlined rectangles could be used in the same way over the pages. This would allow the areas of blank space to be defined within a page and create separate areas for information.

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